Today is a big day for me, as it sees the launch of our bereavement forum at I've been working on it for months and at times struggled greatly with the technology, but finally got to grips with it! The forum motto is: 'Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own', and I would like to make it the place to go on the Internet to find comfort after a loss.
Please do visit the forum and post your concerns, questions, thoughts, stories or anything else which is relevant. There are many different categories to post in. You might feel a bit alone to start with, but don't let that put you off. Plenty of other people will be along in the next few weeks to join you.
You will need to register before you can post (it's free), but you can browse other people's posts without joining. Bear in mind that we've never had a forum before, so if you have any trouble registering or if anything else seems unclear, please let us know and we will try to improve it.
Many thanks to you all for your continued support and encouragement! It is much appreciated.
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