We'd like more good quality content, and if you have a website you might like a link from our site to yours, so this is the solution we've come up with:
The quickest and easiest way to get a link from The Light Beyond to your own site is to go to The Light Beyond bereavement forum and sign up (it's fast and free). Then read these simple guidelines and create a forum signature which includes a link to your site. After that, you can post on the forum as often as you like; your posts don't have to be very long, but please do make sure they are useful, helpful, informative, comforting or inspiring for our readers. Each time you post you will get a link back to your site automatically.
Please note that a forum post itself is NOT the place to advertise your site or services - that's what the forum signature is for, and this appears at the bottom of every post you make. Posts are for genuinely useful, helpful content. We read every single post and will remove inappropriate entries.
On The Light Beyond bereavement blog, we also blog about sites which are particularly useful and relevant to our readers. To recommend a site for the blog, the Links page or to contact us about any other ways we could work together, please use the Contact Form. We look forward to hearing from you!
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